

At the 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language (FTL4) organized by the Catholic University in Braga I had a talk Mixed, entangled, and narrative metaphors.  The paper aimed at presenting three types of atypical metaphors in the Synamet—Polish Corpus of Synesthetic Metaphors. During the annotation of texts from blogs, three types of metaphor were distinguished that cannot be described using the CMT. The problematic metaphors found in our corpus are mixed metaphors, “entangled” metaphors, and extended (narrative) metaphors.


At the III International Conference Keywords 2017 held at the University of Warsaw was presented a paper Keywords in synesthetic metaphors.

JULY 2017

Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017

At the 9th International Corpus Linguistics Conference held at Birmingham University (25-29.07), we had a talk Building Polish Corpus of Synesthetic Metaphor. The paper outlined the results of the statistical analysis of the corpus and the main problems which have occurred during annotation.

JULY 2016

UKCLCL 2016, Bangor

13723847_10210135105163725_4403832369477367600_oAt the 6th UKCLCL conference at Bangor (19-22.07.2016), we had a talk Frame-based analysis of synesthetic metaphors in Polish. We concentrated on our problems with frame semantics as a tool for metaphor annotation in the corpus Synamet.



RaAM 2016, Berlin

We have a chance to present our project at the 11th RaAM conference in Berlin at the Freie Universität (1-4.07.2016). The topic of the conference was „Metaphor in the Arts, in Media and Communication”. The talk „Synamet under construction”. Some problematic issues with annotation of synesthetic metaphors in Polish discourse is available on the Slideshare.


JUNE 2016

INPRA 2016, Split

CCC 2016, Warsaw

Mcccore new information about the project Synamet were presented:

  1. In the talk Describe Indescribable – Annotation of Synesthetic Metaphors in the Project Synamet, 7th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication – INPRA 2016, The University of Split, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science and the Intercultural Pragmatics Journal (Mouton de Gruyter), University of Split, 10  – 12 June 2016. You can watch the presetation here.
  2. In the poster Metaphor and Context, The 1st Context, Cognition and Communication Conference, Context Dependence in Language, Action and Cognition, 15-18 of June, 2016, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw.


SCLA 2015, Sheffield-Oxford

DSCN2820For the first time a preliminary analysis, that have been made as part of the project SYNAMET, were presented at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2015, 14th annual conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association „Crossing boundaries: taking a cognitive scientific perspective on Slavic languages and linguistics, Universities of Sheffield and Oxford, UK, 9-13 December 2015. The topic of the presentation was Synesthetic Metaphors in Polish from the perspective of Frame Semantics.